


Township Hall:

Our Hall is located at 3042 N. Rodgers Rd.

  • Hamilton Township Cemetery located on Hoover Avenue, just north of Cranberry Lake Road

  • Cedar Crest Cemetery located on N. Rodgers Rd, just South of Stockwell Road


The hall is available to rent for residents and non-residents.  The room’s capacity is 99 people.  There is no smoking or alcohol allowed in the building.  The kitchen is fully equipped with stove, refrigerator, microwave and several coffee makers, however, you should bring your own dishes, silverware, serving items, dish rags and towels, etc.  For rental inquires please call Clerk Andrea Wallace at 989-329-0116. 

Resident rental fee:  $125 with a $100 security deposit.  The security deposit is returned if the building is clean, with no damage.

Non-resident rental fee:  $250 with a $100 security deposit.  The security deposit is returned if the building is clean, with no damage.

Township Roads:

Republic Services Rubbish Collection:

The annual contract price for weekly rubbish collection is $192.13. Included in this price is rubbish and yard waste collection, recycling and a scrap tire collection.

  • Rubbish Collection:
    Wednesday is rubbish collection day for Hamilton Township. Collection will occasionally occur on Thursday whenever a holiday falls at the beginning of the week. The blue tote should be at curbside by 6:30 AM.
    It is not recommended to leave the tote at the road side on non- collection days. Replacement totes must be requested from Republic Services. One additional bulk item will be accepted per week in addition to the contents of the tote.

  • Yard Waste Collection:
    Republic collects yard waste four days in the Spring and four days in the Fall. Brush must be bundled, no longer than 4 feet & 2” in diameter, less than 50 pounds, paper bags not plastic.

  • Road side recycling pick up:

    Hamilton Township has road side recycling pick up. A tote with a light blue lid is used for recycling and should be at the curbside by 6:30 AM, every other Wednesday.  Please see the recycling calendar for dates.

    The township works hard to promote cleanliness throughout the township and trash and recycling left at the hall causes litter to blow across the road and field.  If you do not have a trash or recycle container please call Republic Services, at 800-438-0966 and one will be provided.  Thank-you for your cooperation!