Paved and Gravel Roads:
There are 36 miles of gravel roads in the township. The only paved roads which run North and South are Hoover Avenue and Rodgers Road. Townline Lake Road is the only paved road which runs East and West. The above roads plus a portion of the Springwood Lake and Dodge Lake sub divisions are maintained by the Clare County Road Commission. The majority of roads in the Dodge Lake sub-division are contracted for maintenance and funded by an annual assessment.
Road Improvements:
In prior years, the County Road Commission funded improvement projects at 50%. State funding to the County Road Commission has been reduced. Typical projects are tree removal, ditching and re-gravel with six inches of compacted gravel. The average cost of one mile of re-gravel is $26,000. Residents wishing to discuss road conditions should contact the Township Supervisor, see directory for contact information.
Road Committee members:
Mike Iutzi 989-539-2018
Mike Conway 989-329-1353
Kelly Bennett 989-492-1478
Dodge Lake Private Road Maintenance:
Dodge Private Roads Committee members (2022-2023):
The County Road Commission maintains the paved roads in Dodge Lake plus Swallow Street and the roads south of Swallow. All other roads are considered private roads and are maintained under contract. Keysor Excavating has performed the maintenance on the Dodge private roads since 2010. The contract covers grading, snow plowing, brining and extra gravel. The contract covers a set number of applications plus a charge for extras. Brining is applied prior to Memorial Day and also in August. Annually in July, a Dodge Private Roads meeting is held. Dodge Lake residents are encouraged to attend to discuss maintenance issues, assessment amounts and appoint individuals to act as contacts for the maintenance.
Following are improvements of the past:
Paved and Gravel Roads:
There are 36 miles of gravel roads in the township. The only paved roads which run North and South are Hoover Avenue and Rodgers Road. Townline Lake Road is the only paved road which runs East and West. The above roads plus a portion of the Springwood Lake and Dodge Lake sub divisions are maintained by the Clare County Road Commission. The majority of roads in the Dodge Lake sub-division are contracted for maintenance and funded by an annual assessment.
Road Improvements:
In prior years, the County Road Commission funded improvement projects at 50%. State funding to the County Road Commission has been reduced. Typical projects are tree removal, ditching and re-gravel with six inches of compacted gravel. The average cost of one mile of re-gravel is $26,000. Residents wishing to discuss road conditions should contact the Township Supervisor, see directory for contact information.
To monitor the roads to identify needed areas of improvement
Brining of Gravel Roads:
In previous years, the Township Board contracted Michigan Chloride Corporation to spread a mixture of heavy calcium chloride. Once applied, vehicles packed the surface which kept dust from blowing. A rain shower would benefit the packing process. The approximate cost is $13,000 for each applications.
The Township Board passed a Resolution to place a millage vote for road maintenance and improvement, on the August 2, 2022 Primary Ballot, to raise funds for brining and other road projects. Residents voted to approve the 3 year millage with the first funds collected on 2023 Winter taxes. The first brine application of 2024 will be May 9, 2024.
Dodge Lake Private Road Maintenance:
Dodge Private Roads Committee members (2022 – 2023):
The County Road Commission maintains the paved roads in Dodge Lake plus Swallow Street and the roads south of Swallow. All other roads are considered private roads and are maintained under contract. Keysor Excavating has performed the maintenance on the Dodge private roads since 2010. The contract covers grading, snow plowing, brining and extra gravel. The contract covers a set number of applications plus a charge for extras. Brining is applied prior to Memorial Day and also in August. Annually in July, a Dodge Private Roads meeting is held. Dodge Lake residents are encouraged to attend to discuss maintenance issues, assessment amounts and appoint individuals to act as contacts for the maintenance.
Following are improvements of the past:
CLERK AND TREASURER – Tuesday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
ASSESSOR – Tuesday 9 a.m. – NOON
Text or call the Assessor at 989-426-8854
ZONING/BLIGHT – By Appointment
**Absent Voter Drop Box is located on the sidewalk,
in front of the Township Hall**
Occasionally the office may be closed on Tuesdays.
If you are driving any distance, please call first; 989-539-7943.
Township Supervisor – Tom Vaughn 989-487-4164
Assessor – Tina Wright 989-426-8854
Clerk (Hall Rental, Elections/Voting, Cemeteries) –
Andrea Wallace 989-329-0116
Treasurer (Taxes and property info) -Denise Goodenow 989-387-5971
Trustee – Mike Conway 989-329-1353
Trustee – Mike Iutzi 989-539-2018
Zoning Administrator (Permits) – Melissa Townsend 989-429-9020
We are able to accept credit card payments FOR TAXES ONLY.
The siren for civil defense and severe weather warnings is currently disabled.
Township meetings are held on Thursdays at 6:30PM. Look at the calendar for the dates.
Please join us for our next township meeting
Road side trash and recycling pick up:
Hamilton Township has road side trash pick up and road side recycling pick up.
Republic Services picks up rubbish each Wednesday and Recycling every other Wednesday. It is best to put rubbish and recycling carts at the roadside, the night before to avoid being missed. One large item is allowed per week. No need to call, simply place the item next to the rubbish cart.
NEW! Republic Services offers an app so you can receive text alerts, check important dates, or order a replacement cart. Go to, Google Play or Apple store, to download the app. You can also call Republic Services at 800-438-0966.
2024 YARD WASTE PICK UP DATES ARE : Spring Pick Up ~May 7 and May 21; June 4 and June 18~
Fall Pick Up ~ October 8 and October 22; November 5 and November 19~
~ Hamilton Township’s Policy regarding the Inspection of Public Records, Including Property Tax Records
~ Public Summary of FOIA Procedures and Guidelines
~ FOIA Procedures and Guidelines
~ FOIA Request for Public Records
~ Hamilton Township FOIA Request for Detailed Cost Itemization
~ FOIA Complete Forms Packets
Contacts :
DLPOA (Dodge Lake Property Owners Assoc.)
President: Bob Baker, 313-779-4532
• 2368 Homeowner’s Principle Residence Exemption
(formerly known as “Homestead Exemption”)
• 2766 Property Transfer Affidavit
• Real and Personal Property Statements
We are able to accept
credit card payments for taxes only.
Site Hosted by: DCTree Marketing
Copyright © 2020 Hamilton Township 3042 N Rodgers Rd. Harrison, MI 48625