
Welcome to Hamilton Township

Located in Clare County, Michigan between the towns of Harrison and Gladwin, Hamilton Township has a balance of farmland, small communities, lakes, rivers, and beautiful rolling landscape. Of the 2,600 property owners, many are retirees and/or part time residents. Hamilton Township is a place to enjoy the peace, beauty, and natural resources of Northern Michigan.

                                                                                                                            Hamilton Township

                                                                                                                          Planning Commission

                                                                                                                        Notice of Public Hearing

There will be a Public Hearing on Thursday, March 6th at 6:00PM at the Hamilton Township Hall located at 3042 N. Rodgers Rd, Harrison, MI 48625 for adoption of the Hamilton Township Compatible Renewable Energy Zoning Ordinance. A complete copy of the ordinance will be available for review at the Hamilton Township Hall on Tuesday, February 11, 18, 25 and March 4, 2025 from 9:00am to 3:00PM.  All comments are welcome and address them to Kelly Bennett, PC Chair at the above address.

Hamilton Township condemns the use of abusive or hurtful comments, foul language, hate speech, personal attacks, and defamatory statements toward employees, staff, and elected officials.  This conduct will not be tolerated and may result in removal of the offender, refusal of service, and reporting to local law enforcement.

                                              Hamilton Township has accepted the bid from MLR Engineering as the Prime Professional Manager for construction of the new Hamilton Township Park.  

                           UPCOMING EVENTS                              

 Check out the Calendar tab at the top of the Home Page, for upcoming events, meetings, rubbish, recycling, yard waste dates and more.

LIKE AND FOLLOW Hamilton Twp., Clare Co. on Facebook using the link below, to get the latest Township information.

  12/5/2019 12/6/2018    Public Hearing 11/02/2017 12/01/2016 12/03/2015 12/04/2014
  11/19/2019 12/6/2018 10/05/2017 11/03/2016 10/01/2015 11/06/2014
  10/03/2019 11/1/2018 9/07/2017 10/06/2016 9/03/2015 10/02/2014
  09/05/2019 10/04/2018 8/03/2017 9/01/2016 8/13/2015 9/04/2014
  08/01/2019 9/06/2018 7/06/2017 8/04/2016 7/02/2015 8/07/2014
  07/11/2019 8/02/2018 6/01/2017 7/07/2016 6/04/2015 7/03/2014
  06/06/2019 07/05/2018 5/04/2017 6/02/2016 5/07/2015 6/05/2014
  05/02/2019 06/07/2018 4/06/2017 5/05/2016 5/11/2015 5/01/2014
  04/04/2019 05/03/2018 3/02/2017 4/07/2016 4/02/2015 4/03/2014
  03/07/2019 04/05/2018 2/02/2017 3/03/2016 3/12/2015 3/06/2014
  02/11/2019 03/01/2018 01/05/2017   3/05/2015 2/06/2014
    02/01/2018     2/05/2015 1/02/2014










06/02/22 corrected








Hazardous Material Public Hearing


12/23/2024 Special Meeting


01/02/2025 unofficial until 2/6/2025

02/06/2025 unofficial until 03/06/2025